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Manufacturer of quality assured products like Soil Test Equipment, Concrete Test Equipment, Industrial Furnace, Laboratory Hot Air Oven, Rock Testing Equipment, Cement Testing Equipment, etc.

About Us

We, Globetrek Engineering Corporation, have attained a strong image in the market on the basis of excellence. Our company is active as a manufacturer and exporter of wide gamut that is cost-effective and long lasting. From us, customers can avail Civil Lab Equipment, Screw Type Sampling Auger, Gyratory Sieve Shaker and many more products. To carry out the manufacturing, testing and all other business operations, we have hired certified professionals who are not only dexterous but reliable as well.

Stringent norms are being followed by us to accomplish all our projects which enables us to impress our client base. Further, well planned approach is being adopted by us to serve our client base which we frame considering their requirement. We also offer doorstep of clients order to add to their comfort level and magnify their good purchasing experience with us.

We promise that we will never let our customers down and will always meet their expectations.

Business Values
We have attained a unique image in the market not only because of the quality of our products but also due to the quality of our business values. The following is the list of these values on which we never make any compromise:

  • We are a socially responsible entity that takes effective measures to improve the underprivileged sections of the society.
  • We work with honest, integrity and commitment to excellence so that best value of customers money can be delivered.
  • We always maintain transparency in all our business deals, which in turned presents a reliable image in the market.

Aim, Vision, Mission
The vision of our company is to maintain our trusted image in the market. We are working with the mission of offering a complete array of equipment including Screw Type Sampling Auger, Civil Lab Equipment, Gyratory Sieve Shaker, etc., and provide value for money to our clients.

Our Clientele
With our wide array of products, we are serving more than 500 companies. Some of our major customers are:

Aurum Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

Tanperch Ltd. (Tanzania)

Aditya Environmental Services Pvt. Limited

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology

Dhole Patil College of Engineering

Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology

Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.

Intox Pvt. Ltd.

Aditya Birla Science and Technology Company Private Limited

Ultra-Tech Environmental Consultancy & Laboratory

Our Product Range
We are specialized in various products that are demanded by customers from different industries. The following are some products that we offer to our customers:
  • Stainless Steel 316 Test Sieve
  • Sieve Shaker
  • Brass Frame Test Sieves
  • Fiber Leveling Staff For Survey
  • Survey Umbrella
  • Field Type California Bearing Ratio Test
  • Concrete Test Hammer
  • Compression Testing Machine
  • Blain Air Permeability Test Apparatus
  • Riffle Sample Divider

GT-501 Globetrek Test Sieve
GT-501 Globetrek Test Sieve
Woven Wire Test Sieve
Woven Wire Test Sieve
Brass Frame Test Sieves
Brass Frame Test Sieves
3 Test Orsat Gas Analysis Apparatus
3 Test Orsat Gas Analysis Apparatus
Laboratory Orsat Gas Analysis Apparatus
Laboratory Orsat Gas Analysis Apparatus
B40A Sokkia Automatic Level With Levelling Survey
B40A Sokkia Automatic Level With Levelling Survey
Dumpy Level Survey
Dumpy Level Survey
Aluminum Leveling Staff
Aluminum Leveling Staff
Standard Penetration Testing Equipment - SPT
Standard Penetration Testing Equipment - SPT
Soil Field Density Core Cutter Apparatus
Soil Field Density Core Cutter Apparatus
Sand Replacement Method Field Density Apparatus
Sand Replacement Method Field Density Apparatus
Vicat Needle Apparatus
Vicat Needle Apparatus
Blaine Air Permeability Test Apparatus
Blaine Air Permeability Test Apparatus
Industrial Concrete Cube Mould
Industrial Concrete Cube Mould
Cast Iron Cube Moulds
Cast Iron Cube Moulds
ISI Mark Cube Mould
ISI Mark Cube Mould
Laboratory Hot Air Oven
Laboratory Hot Air Oven
Digital Laboratory Hot Air Oven for Sterilization Process
Digital Laboratory Hot Air Oven for Sterilization Process
Hand Operated Concrete Cube Compression Testing Machine
Hand Operated Concrete Cube Compression Testing Machine
Concrete Test Hammer
Concrete Test Hammer
Concrete Consistency Slump Test Apparatus
Concrete Consistency Slump Test Apparatus
Riffle Sample Divider
Riffle Sample Divider
California Bearing Value Apparatus
California Bearing Value Apparatus
Kinematic Viscosity Bath
Kinematic Viscosity Bath
Post Hole Type Soil Sampling Auger
Post Hole Type Soil Sampling Auger
Screw Type Sampling Auger
Screw Type Sampling Auger
Edelman Coarse Sand Auger
Edelman Coarse Sand Auger
Bulk Density Apparatus
Bulk Density Apparatus
Dissolution Test Apparatus
Dissolution Test Apparatus
Flame Photometer
Flame Photometer
Triaxial Test Machine
Triaxial Test Machine
Muffle Furnace
Muffle Furnace
Digital Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus
Digital Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus
Digital Compression Testing Machine
Digital Compression Testing Machine
Sieve Shaker
Sieve Shaker
Gyratory Sieve Shaker
Gyratory Sieve Shaker
Rotap Sieve Shaker
Rotap Sieve Shaker
Portable Type Autoclave
Portable Type Autoclave
Vertical Type Autoclave
Vertical Type Autoclave
BIT Borehole Inclination Tester
BIT Borehole Inclination Tester
PET Pulse Echo Tester Pile Integrity Tester
PET Pulse Echo Tester Pile Integrity Tester
Dynamic Pile Analyzer -GPC
Dynamic Pile Analyzer -GPC
Cross Hole Ultra sonic Monitor (CSL Tester) With tomography support
Cross Hole Ultra sonic Monitor (CSL Tester) With tomography support